Mont SUTTON enjoys exceptional conditions all winter long, thanks to a  generous microclimate in snow. It is one of the most snowy stations in Quebec and continues to be one of the stations that offers the most ski dayrs, year after year.

Region: Estrie
Distance from Montreal: 1h45  
Distance from Sherbrooke: 1h30  
Distance from Quebec: 3h  

To get your tickets: 
Create an account here
Choose the resort you want to visit
Indicate the amount of required tickets of each category
Clic on “buy”If you have a promo code, enter it in the box on the right side and clic on “add code”
Proceed to checkout to pay
You will receive an email with a pdf format of each ticket with a barcode.
Go to the selected resort and follow procedures written on your e-ticket to redeem it
Unused vouchers at the end of the 2018 season will be automatically deactivited and canceled. No credit or refund will be issued.

Your tickets will always be accessible in your profile by opening your account and by clicking on the tab "purchased tickets".

Have a great day!

There are currently no tickets available.

Gift Certificate

chalet Rental