Loon is behind the snowparks from the X-Games and put a lot of efforts on the maintenance of their trails.

Region: New Hampshire Trail map
Distance from Montreal: 3h30  
Distance from Sherbrooke: 2h30  
Distance from Quebec: 4h30


Buy your flexible tickets online by age category.

You will receive an email with a link to 
download a PDF voucher of your tickets.

Go to Loon customer service to redeem 
your voucher and get your tickets for the day.

Respect the date restrictions according to the chosen tickets.

Your tickets will always be accessible in your profile 
by opening your account and by clicking 
on the tab "purchased tickets".

Unused e-tickets by the end of the spring 2020 ski season 
will be automatically deactivated and canceled.

Medical/hospital insurance is strongly recommended when
travelling to the United States. Click here for more information

Have a great day!

There are currently no tickets available.

Gift Certificate

chalet Rental